Saturday, February 25, 2012

Juice Feast Day 2-4

Day 2 was brutal.  I'm not sure if it was the toxins releasing, or a massive caffeine headache - either way - I had a massive headache that put me to bed by 5pm that night.

Day 3 was spent on an airplane, luckily I found a place inside the airport that sold Naked juices, so I bought 4 - 8 oz for the trip - they lasted good and kept me from being hungry on the plane.

When we got home though I was able to go grocery shopping so today has been mostly fresh juices.  Spinach / Tangarine, and some spicy V8 Juice (just to mix things up a bit) (Oh - and my treat - hot veggie broth)

While I'm trying to lose weight, I am trying to stay away from the scale until next weekend (we said we'd weigh in once every 2 weeks)

I do want to say also, my intake of water is astonomical now - I have a tendency to drink a lot of liquids on a normal basis, so being on this regime only makes me drink more - because I have to have some type of liquid next to me at all times.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Juice Feast Day1

I went through an entire 30 day juice feast a few months ago, and ended up losing 20lbs on the juice feast, and another 25 pounds after that.

Recently I've regressed a little and started eating chips & Pizza again and drinking around a 12 pack of soda per day, and ended up gaining back 15lbs.  So - starting today, the first day of lent I'm going back on a juice feast for the next 40 days.  It's a GREAT way to eliminate bad habits and get back on track again.

I travel A LOT for business, so during my business trips my best options are Bolthouse farms smoothies and juices (and yes I realize a smoothie isn't the same as a juicing, however it's the best I can do while I'm on the road) and when I get back home I'll juice exclusively :)

I'm excited, and I'll really try to be diligent on keeping up with my blog this go around.

5:00 am - woke up - had Bolthouse Strawberry Banana 120 *2 cal
6 am - 10 am - drank 2 cups of Tazo (decaf) fruit tea - one hot, one on ice (something not many people talk about but I've had 3 BMs this morning) no calories
8 am - Bolthouse Green Goddess - 140 cal *2
10:40am - Bolthouse Carrot - 70 cal *2 (I don't recall drinking this much when I did this before, but either I'm really hungry, or I've been depriving my body of important nutrients which it now wants a LOT of)  I also forgot how much energy you can get from 100% Carrot juice

12:58pm - Bolthouse Green Goddess  - 140 cal *2

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Tazo Tea (decaf) iced

5:02 pm - Bolthouse Carrot - 70 cal *2

6:46 pm - Bolthouse Passion Orange Guava 150 cal *2

So - for today I've taken in 1380 calories

Friday, October 14, 2011

Juice Feasting - What to expect

Thought I would write about what I went through on each of the days.

Days 1-4 - I've heard several people talk about the headaches, so I thought it was just because I was so addicted to caffienne that I had to go through headaches, but I guess that's not truly the case.  So - expect to have headaches and a general feeling of BLAH for 1-4 days.  Some people get over it on day 3, so try to start when you know you don't have to work for a couple of days, or possibly take that 3rd day off as well so you don't have to deal with that.  I didn't - and had a rough time at work. So - I really wish I had taken a day off and had a long weekend.

Day 5 - 10 - My hubby and I both had blurry vision for these days, not horrible - but annoying.  On the positive side though - Day 5 is when I woke up with more energy than I've had in years (or actually that I can remember period)  It's FANTASTIC!!!!!  It's almost as if I woke up from a fog I'd been under for who knows how many years.  We go for long walks now, and I never get out of breath - in fact my legs will give out before my lungs will.

10-17 - The fuzzy vision went away, which is great.  By the way, I wake up hungry - but for the remainder of the day, I'm never hungry - I just drink juice because I know it's time to drink juice.

We usually have a cup of broth at night (just to kid ourselves into thinking we're eating), and we've really gotten into hot teas (ones that are decaffeinated that is)

I think we're going to go for 90 days..... we'll see.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In the beginning

11 days ago we started an amazing journey.  My hubby has a tendency to watch countless movies, and just happened to get his hands on Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, which is an amazing movie about a man's journey through a 60 day fast. The transformation from someone in ill health, and overweight to someone not on ANY more prescription medication, and lean - was amazing.  And, the story of  the truck driver he helped was so awe inspiring!!

Well we thought it was AMAZING, so much so - that we decided to do it as well.   Unfortunately hunting down the juicer we wanted was darn near impossible - so we got one a step up from what we originally thought we were going to get.  But - it's amazing.  You seriously can throw almost anything in that thing - unpeeled and it juices it :)

I'm on day 11, and at day 11, I have more energy than I have had since I was in my 20s, and I've lost 10 lbs so far.  A lot of thought has been put into what we are going to do after we complete the fast, and after watching the documentary Forks over Knives, I truly believe that we're going to try to stay away from Meat & Dairy after we come off the fast.  So - as we go to the grocery store buying produce and more produce to feed the Breville we look at the offerings of whole foods.  We don't have a lot of "Farmer's Markets" down here in the Dallas / Ft Worth area, but Sprouts is one of our favorite places to shop.  And, we do have Central Markets in the DFW area, and Whole Foods Market.  And, in a pinch - our Krogers has a great variety of organic foods.  We mostly buy staples from Krogers, like Kale & Chard - the rest of the items we've been purchasing at Sprouts, because it was cheaper there than any other market for fresh produce.

I tried my best to limit my caffeine before going on the juice feast, however I found out that I didn't limit it enough - because days 1-4 I got to go through some pretty major headaches, and general feelings of BLAH - before I started waking up on day 5 feeling MUCH more enthusiastic.   I'm not hungry, I don't think I've ever felt REALLY hungry - I found a great site for Juice Recipes, which my favorite at this time is the Apple-Cantaloupe-Honeydew-Kale-Swiss Chard juice.  That juice served me VERY well from day 2-11, however my hubby just made up a more veggie V8 type juice that is REALLY tasty, that I will be drinking the majority of the time now, wanting to move away from the fruits and more into the just veggie drinks.  I'll still supplement a daily juice with my honeydew goodness, but I want to start moving away from the sweet stuff more.

My hubby and I have started walking, we have a gym membership - but honestly - I don't want my body to concentrate on rebuilding muscles that are torn down during massive work outs - so I'm keeping the work outs to cardio only.  Treadmill, swimming, etc... would be ok I think - but we can accomplish a lot by walking as well.

I do have to say though - when we get home from a long walk, I'm not winded - I feel very energetic for the entire walk!!  It's a great feeling!!

Great Juicing sites:
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